Ted Stumpf
Ted Stumpf, Windermere Napa Valley PropertiesPhone: (707) 246-9825
Email: [email protected]

Listing agent vs selling agent

by Ted Stumpf 12/03/2023

couple speaking with realtor

The world of real estate can be challenging and a bit confusing at times. Hiring a real estate agent is a great way to navigate the real estate market in your area. 

Before hiring an agent, you need to assess your needs. First answer, do you need to acquire a selling or listing agent? What will the commission fees be? What kind of personality and experience do you need to make the process as coherent as possible?

Listing agent vs selling agent 

If you want to sell your home, consider hiring a listing agent. Listing agents represent the party selling a property. They will promote your home and find the right ways to make your property more competitive within your target market. 

A selling agent, also known as the buyer’s agent - which may sound counterintuitive, acts on behalf of the potential buyer to buy a property. A seller’s agent will do research on local properties that best suit the buyer’s budget and search criteria. 

Until the contract is signed, this agent is referred to as a buyer’s agent and post-contract signing, they are referred to as the selling agent. 

Commission fees

The selling agent commission price may seem daunting. However, paying this fee ensures you have a proficient real estate professional on your side to help navigate the legality of real estate transactions. 

Once a property is sold, the home seller pays the brokerage of the listing agent. The brokerage will then give the listing agent a portion of the commission fee. The national standard commission rate hovers around 6% total for buyer and seller agents. 

Finding your perfect real estate agent

Whether you are searching for a listing or seller agent, it is important to assess their credentials and make sure their expertise fits your criteria. Do they understand your local market? Are they a good negotiator? Can they market your home for the best price to get it sold quickly, so you can continue with your journey? 

Overall, the cost of hiring a listing or seller's agent is worth the expense. Both of these real estate agents will mediate between the buyer and seller and keep the situation calm when emotions run high. 

About the Author

Ted Stumpf

Ted draws energy and joy from building synergetic relationships with his Clients. Ted's nature is graciously gregarious and persevering; he's honest; and he's been dedicated to a substantial list of clientele throughout his 25 years in the hospitality business and almost two years as a REALTOR. His passion is creating a sincere, successful relationship with people.

Ted grew up in a family of Realtors in central Indiana, earned a degree in economics and philosophy from the University of Notre Dame, and jumped into all aspects of the restaurant business. His ensuing hospitality career path eventually led him into the Event Management Sales & Service role in hotels and quickly guided him to Los Angeles, San Francisco, and finally to a luxury resort in the Napa Valley, where he, his husband, and their dog have resided for almost a decade now.  

The irony is not lost on Ted that his ‘growth’ journey has culminated in“living happily ever after” in an agricultural area with a small-town feel and sense of community strikingly reminiscent of his youth…and as a REALTOR nonetheless!